why the fit nerd is here

Welcome to The Fit Nerd! We created this brand because we’re consumers of all of these products too, and wanted one place for high quality, scientifically formulated supplements for our wellness needs. Finding the best health and wellness products or best nutritional supplements brands has been a challenge for us as consumers for many years. Whether we were trying to figure out how to get in shape, improve energy, focus, and sleep, get lean, or build muscle (etc!), it was really challenging when there are so many different things out there in different places. Which is when the idea for The Fit Nerd was born.

Why another supplement brand? Because we have tried a lot of different products from lots of different places. It was frustrating. That’s why we pursued the opportunity to create our own brand and offer other people the things we at The Fit Nerd like, at reasonable prices.

At The Fit Nerd we’re big believers in taking a holistic approach to wellness. If you’re like us, you’re a busy professional with a lot of work and personal demands to tend to. That can make getting solid sleep, well-balanced meals, and consistent exercise each day super challenging. That’s why to us, a holistic approach to wellness includes supplementing what good food and good exercise can give you to optimize yourself and help you balance your focus, energy, and overall wellbeing day to day.

Why The Fit Nerd?

Although we are indeed super nerdy lovers of sci-fi, fantasy, board games, videogames, movies, and vinyl – we also love to nerd out about fitness, tinker around with optimizing our bodies for the day-to-day challenges, and learn about what can maximize our health span. As we continue to nerd out and learn more about what works for our wellness and fitness goals, we want to be able to deliver those products to you. That’s The Fit Nerd.

"At the Fit Nerd we’re big believers in taking a holistic approach to wellness. "

A holistic approach to wellness includes supplementing what good food and good exercise can give you to optimize yourself and help you balance your focus, energy, and overall wellbeing day to day.

Is the supplement world overwhelming to you?

Don’t fret if you have no idea what a dirty bulk vs clean bulk is, have never heard of nootropic mushrooms, or have ever asked “does creatine make you fat?” As The Fit Nerd expands, we’ll also work to help guide folks to the right supplements for the right reasons, and help you learn about what is what.   

The Fit Nerd has launched with a wide variety of products like vegan protein powders, premier protein supplements, mushroom nootropics, pre workout stacks, post workout recovery aids, and some great bundles of multiple products. We hope to add even more variety to meet your needs.

Welcome to The Fit Nerd Brand, where we'll nerd out with you over supplements.

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